Does anyone have any experience of the following or could you signpost me further please?
A maintain school SLT have collectively reviewed a new strategy within a support staff department which was discussed and consulted with employees within that department for implementation this academic year. Prior to the end of the last AY the 2 EE's affected by the revision informed that they would not be willing to do the additional task and involved their union.
The school sought JD evaluations via the LA and HR Services which came back as "no change in grade" and that the additional responsibility is reasonable. One of the EE's is paid above the JD grade and the school have obviously agreed that this will not change. The school has offered training and programmed 1:1 meetings for feedback.
EE's still refuse to complete the additional task and have informed that they are still waiting guidance from their union. It is felt that they basically do not want to complete the additional task and keep pushing back with excuses. The school have now informed that they need this addition in place to start in January as students are being put at risk (academically).
Policy wise, a refusal to work obviously follows the code of conduct, behaviour, discipline policies etc, but this is refusal based on a JD revision with no change in salary grade - (an honorarium allowance was considered but has not been approved due to the school being in a deficit budget)
I was wondering if anyone had encountered anything similar and how did you rectify it?
The school feels it has no option but to follow policy but need to be 100% sure as the school is highly unionised and absolutely every HR process is scrutinised by them.
Any advice would be greatly received. Thank you.