Hybrid-working - employee engagement and motivation

I'm the HR Business Partner for a software sales company and we are a team of 50 in London, with our HQ in the US. 

Like most we are moving to a long-term solution of hybrid working and we are seeing a good number of staff now excited to return to the office in some way or another

My question to you all is have you seen a drop in your employee engagement/motivation in these last 6 months?

It feels as though work life and home life have merged to the point where we are all a bit lost and lacking our love for our roles. Activity and results are down, as is enthusiasm, more so in sales than any other area of the business. Whilst we are big advocates for a good work/life balance it feels that the scales are tipping too far the other way. 

We are of course hoping that a return to the office in a small way will boost this and re-motivate our employees. We have a late summer party planned and have always come up with new ways to keep our culture strong throughout the pandemic, but our people seem checked out. 

Has anyone else experienced similar? Are there any ideas on how we help to gradually fix this? 

It would be great to see these teams excited again. 

Thanks in advance! 

  • You could consider a structured away day/company team building event to explain and discuss the issue with staff gathering their suggestions in break out exercises to find a way forward so it is a two way process. During the day staff should be encouraged to discuss the issues they are experiencing. Video conferencing can support ongoing team and 1:1 meetings whether staff are in the office or working at home to foster inclusivity, motivation, communication as well as providing structure.
  • This is something that I am noticing too. We attempted to arrange an away day/team building exercise however there was little to no engagement from the staff and we had to release the booking we had made. As the majority of our staff are remote from the office anyway (in home carers) I have set up a health & wellbeing channel on Teams and am slowly managing to get some engagement with the topics I post, particularly around anxiety. There is a slow return to the office here and it does seem that many staff have some anxiety around this as I think they have just adapted to the way things were and this may have led to the drop in engagement. I am also scheduling 1:1 meetings with all staff so that we can discuss their feelings on the role and hopefully build some evidence based initiatives from there.
  • In reply to Sandra:

    I would add that it is also about your managers finding new ways to manage/motivate