Compressed hours and public holidays

An employee works his contracted 40 hours/week on a 'compressed hours' schedule over 4 days/week with every Monday off.

If a public holiday falls on the weekend and is moved to the following Monday, I assume the employee still has a right to that public holiday. Does the day in lieu of that public holiday need to be taken on the Tuesday immediately following or is there some flexibility as to when they take this compensatory day? Is it best to simply plan ahead and any add any days that may fall under this scenario to the employee's annual holiday entitlement? And if so, does this have any impact on the limit of 5 days carryover rule onto the following year that is incorporated into the employee's contract?

  • It’s down to you and the contract rules for when they take these days. Most employees have no free standing right to take public/bank holidays on specific days.

    Most people wouldn’t allow the carry over to be more than five regardless.
  • I would give the employee a pro rata bank holiday allowance, which they could then use when they want to. I assume their annual holiday is calculated on working 4 days a week. Add 6.5 bank holidays to it (or 7.5 this year because of the Jubilee).
  • I agree with Elizabeth.

    It helps to think of public holidays as simply part of the holiday allowance that is pre-booked. If people don't work on a public holiday, they don't have to pre-book it so that day remains available to them to book later.

    In this case, of course, it is worth remembering that 1 day, for an employee on compressed hours, represents more actual *hours* of work lost than for a employee working M-F. So it becomes important that, when a compressed-hours worker takes holiday, they give up the same proportion of their entitlement as any other full-time worker. If 1 day=1 day, the compressed hours worker ends up taking off more time, per annum, than the regular hours worker. If you measure holiday in hours, of course, this won't be a problem.
  • I work compressed hours which means my leave is calculated in hours and not days. 1 day = 8 hours for me as I work a 9 day fortnight. The equivalent hours for all bank holidays are added to my leave at the start of the leave year and whenever a BH falls on a day I would normally work it is taken out of my leave. If it falls on my non-working day then it is not. In this way the BH hours are in my annual leave allowance.