Impact of Covid on Employees Not Returning to Work


I have just spent the best part of an hour looking for any information on why employees are now opting not to return to work following Covid/Furlough.  There is a lot of information on hybrid working but that is not what I'm after.

Like a great many companies we are struggling to recruit amongst the great number of vacancies on offer.  For me it seems people's priorities and wants have changed since covid and the worklife balance is now more important than ever.  We are also finding people want something different and are changing career, throw in Brexit and there you have it a disappearing workforce.  Are people now accustomed to just one salary in the home and so don't need extra income, are the numbers just not there since Brexit? I am looking for a document or paper where research has taken place, a lot of papers are dated September 2021 so are outdated with the new problems employers are facing.

Any help pointing me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.  I am trying to help our MD understand the problems we are facing recruiting.

  • Hi Nicki

    If you google 'the great resignation' you'll find lots of media articles about what is (allegedly) going on. Typing the phrase into google scholar brings up plenty of references that are slightly more 'academic'.
  • Some of the more recent data suggests that there are a large amount of over 50s leaving the job market and taking early retirement. Certainly i now several senior HR professional, all under 60 who are taking early retirement in the next few months, so that could be happening across other professions.

    I can see the public sector being hit with this particularly as the pensions are more generous.

    I think you are right that people are expecting a lot more from their employers now and it has very quickly become a job seekers market. I think the cause is a bit of a perfect storm of Brexit and the Pandemic