Hybrid Working Policy/Agreement enough?

Hi all

We are about to come to the end of a hybrid working trial at the end of this month and as it has been successful we are going to offer hybrid working to all staff members (subject to things like them having passed probation, having completed all their training, not needing to be supervised in the office due to capability/change in job role etc.).

We will require a minimum of 2 days in the office with the rest of their working week at home & if any staff member wants to work less days in the office then they will need to put in a separate request.  If any staff member wants to work more than 2 days (or all of their working days) in the office then that is fine.

My question is, as we are offering hybrid working to all staff (& they can choose to hybrid work or work full-time in the office), can we cover this with a Hybrid Working Policy & get staff members who do want to work this way to sign a Hybrid Working Agreement?  Do we need to issue new contracts of employment too?

Thank you. 


  • What is the operational justification for a minimum of two days in the office?

    To the question, though, this is likely to constitute a change to Ts&Cs (depending on your existing contracts) which should be subject to consultation. You don't need to issue new contracts. Even a letter of variation is probably unnecessary, although it might be a good idea. It is enough, I think, to simply communicate your intentions, consult, then issue the new policy and answer any questions that arise.
  • We are having the same conversation at my workplace. My stance was that issuing a hybrid working policy following staff consultation would suffice as the last thing we want to be doing is issuing new contracts of employment to all staff. I posed this question to Xpert HR and their response was;

    As far as confirming things in writing is concerned, if the current clause in the contract of employment states a place of work such as a business premises, then a change to this will need to be confirmed in writing, by way of a variation, if a hybrid working arrangement is agreed further to consultations with staff