Working from home policy - part timers


We introduced a working from home policy last year - please see the excerpt below.

We recently had someone ask whether it was being fair to part timers to round down to the nearest working day.

What's your view?


  • short answer...no
    Longer answer - what's the rationale for 40%?
    What would you do if an employee put in a formal flexible working request for more than 40%?
    why, as someone working 32 hours over 4 days should I only be allowed 1 day WFH when colleagues working 37.5 over 5 can do 2?
  • Could you use a month, rather than a week, as the time reference? this would make it fairer for part time workers. Are you setting limits because you need coverage in the office?
  • Any particular reason you didn't like the answers you got to this question the last time you asked it?

  • In reply to Robey:

    sorry Robey, I didn't even see those responses.. :-(
  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    24 Jun, 2022 11:37

    In reply to Lesley:

    To be fair, I may have moved the previous thread to a different forum... and not let Lesley know!
  • In reply to Lesley:

    Fair enough, Lesley. Then I'll just refer you to my last answer and underline Emily's excellent point about rationale and justification for the 40% figure.

    If there's a risk of running into a serious dispute about pro rating the figure for part-timers, the very first step must be to articulate the objective business case for it. If you can't, then you are immediately onto a loser.