Dismissal of remote workers in Spain, Croatia and Serbia


Hoping someone can advise or point me in the right direction please? I am in the process of interviewing for a fully remote organisation and one of the questions they have asked me to expand upon is the dismissal of employees who have been employed for more than 2.5 years. I can answer to the remote workers who are UK based but am finding it hard to find what law applies to workers that have been employed for 2.5 years or more but are based in Spain, Croatia or Serbia. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated!

thank you,


  • By then, it is likely that local country laws would apply in each of those countries, so you'd need advice market by market. However, if these people have made themselves remote during the pandemic and their contracted place of work hasn't changed you'd be on stronger ground.
    And is it dismissal for cause or redundancy? They've not given you enough information really.