Searching for a HR Role

Hi everyone, I recently graduated with a master in HRM (and CIPD level 7). I am nearly at my wit's end with job search and will appreciate any help I can get. Thank, Maureen.
  • Hi

    Welcome to the Communities and the profession

    This is probably one of the most frequently asked questions here and the good news is that if you do a search you will find lots of great suggestions and advice. Persistence pays off.

    Main suggestions historically have been around networking, volunteering, interim/short term roles level entry roles etc

    Good luck
  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    9 Aug, 2022 07:01

    Hi Maureen... and welcome.

    Keith has shared some good tips here...
  • Johanna

    | 0 Posts

    CIPD Staff

    9 Aug, 2022 10:58

    Hi Maureen - sorry to hear about your frustrating job search so far. As Keith says, we always advocate networking and attending events via your local CIPD branch www.cipd.co.uk/.../find as a good way to make some connections and get great advice. (You can actually attend any branch event, it doesn't have to be your assigned local one.) We also have a Careers Hub for members here which contains lots of useful tips and information. www.cipd.co.uk/.../career-hub
    The People Management Jobs finder is here, but I'm sure you're already aware of this: https://pmjobs.cipd.co.uk/

    ne more thing you may like to look into - a free job search workshop we're running for CIPD members: twitter.com/.../1556973642935934976

  • Thanks a lot, Steve.
  • Thanks a great deal, Johanna. I have always recognised the importance of attending events and volunteering; that too was a challenge getting contact details for my local branch but, I have the details now.
  • Johanna

    | 0 Posts

    CIPD Staff

    9 Aug, 2022 15:47

    In reply to Maureen Agwu:

    I have faith in you Maureen! Keep us posted and keep applying! There may be someone on the Community who may volunteer to take a look at your CV to check it's looking it's best. Also your branch should be able to help you with this service if you reach out.