Flexible working request and holiday calculations

Hi all,

Calling on any maths whizzes out there...

I'm slightly losing my mind with a holiday calculation in regards to a flexible working request and wondered if anyone could make head or tails of this?

Staff member requests flexible working following return from mat leave - 
37.5 hours to 30 hours (trials working pattern for 2 months) changes (in agreement) from 30 hours up to 35 hours. 

The holiday calculations as follows:

12 months at 37.5 hours  = 262.5 hours/7.5 hours worked per day = 35 days (+ 17.5 days carry forward) = 52.5 days

Recalculated holiday = 5 months at 37.5 hours = 109.38/7.5 = 14.5 + 7 months at 30 hours = 122.5/7.5 = 16.5 + 17.5 cf = 48.5 days 

Further recalculated holiday = 5 months at 37.5 hours = 109.38/7.5 = 14.5 + 2 months at 30 hours = 35/7.5 = 4.6 + 5 months at 35 hours = 102.08/8.75 = 11.6 + 17.5 cf =  48.2 (48.5 days)

Upon seeing what the last calculation looked like in hours (due to request to work 3 x 9 hour days and 1 x 8 hour day) the staff member has asked if the working pattern could be split equally over 4 days (8.75 hours per day).

Looking at the two recalculations they've come out exactly the same, despite the staff member increasing their hours to 35 hours. They are suggesting they should be due more holiday due to the increase in hours, but from looking at the calculation, the holiday hours don't work out much different because with both working patterns they were working 4 days, it's just the new working pattern has longer days. So the calculation is the accrued hours divided by the new hours per day, 8.75 hours, rather than 7.5 hours. 

What I'm trying to figure out is, has my maths worked out horribly? Or, is it a case of just having the awkward conversation with the staff member to say on this occasion, the working pattern is what would be described as 'condensed' giving you the benefit of managing your workload whilst still maintaining a 4 day week, and though in theory it would look like you would be entitled to more leave, the calculation for a 4 day week is correct?

Checking out what 12 months looks like, my hypothesis is correct (or I'm really doubling down on the bad maths!)

30 hours over 4 days = 198 hours holiday/7.5 hours worked per day = 26.5 days  
35 hours over 4 days = 231 hours holiday/8.75 hours worked per day = 26.5 days 

If anyone can make any sense of this and let me know what you think, I would be eternally grateful. 

Apologies, if there are other posts out there that are similar. I'm just struggling to see this case for what it is currently. 

  • your calculations are correct as I work out annual leave for my work and yes they can send you demented thinking you have calculated them wrong. yes they are going to be the same if you are looking at them in days as they have changed their working hours. I believe you need to look at it in money terms as they will get paid more for 4 days annual leave on the 35 hour contract than they would for 4 days annual leave on the 30 hour contract. so they are not getting any extra days as they have condensed their hours into a 4 day working week. I hope this makes sense.
  • In reply to Eileen:

    Eileen, you're a star. Thank you for this, it's really helpful. I was trying to think of it in weeks /days which is perhaps where my mind started boggling. But you are right, it's a case of the time is condensed so though you have the same amount of holiday to use at 30 hours per week, you're actually getting paid more per day for that time. Thank you for replying, this has restored my faith in my own mad maths skills!!