Informal catch ups

Hi all. Recently joined a company where remote working is 100%. I’ve explained to directors the impact of not having 1-1 catch ups. Been given the go ahead send email to all managers regarding 1-1 informal catch ups with their team members. Does anyone have a draft I can use? Finding is difficult to draft without making obvious
  • Hi Anjali, if this is a big change in ways of working, have you considered jumping on a call to discuss with the managers and wider team why the business would like to start the catch-ups? It could be a great opportunity to answer any questions, clarify expected outcomes and benefits and get everyone on board with the idea.
  • Personally I would get the Directors to model the behaviour that I would want to see. It's so much more effective than an email telling people to have 1-2-1's.

    Also I would then consider cascading it down rather than all at once. If this doesn't happen naturally already (and amazed it doesn't) then it's likely to be cultural change and if you want it to stick (rather than be a five minute wonder) building slowly will be better.

    For fun and showing the power of ChatGPT here's a lighted hearted starter for ten

    "Dear Anjali,

    I hope this message finds you in a state of unparalleled enthusiasm and ready to embark on a grand adventure—an adventure unlike any other known to mankind (well, in the corporate realm, at least). Brace yourself, for I come bearing tidings of the most extraordinary and thrilling nature!

    Picture this: a majestic voyage through the uncharted waters of workplace connectivity, an expedition so daring that it has been hailed as "The Unparalleled Structured Program of 1-2-1 Meetings." Yes, you read that right, and no, it's not the stuff of fairy tales or a figment of my imagination!

    Legend has it that within the hallowed halls of our organization lies a treasure trove of untapped potential, nestled deep within the minds and hearts of its illustrious members—you being one of them, of course. To unearth this treasure, we have devised a cunning plan, an ingenious arrangement of individual rendezvous!

    But wait, before you dismiss this as a mere formality or mundane exercise, let me assure you, dear Anjali, that these one-on-one meetings are not your run-of-the-mill, yawn-inducing affairs. Nay, they are a ballet of conversation, a symphony of connection, and a duet of discovery!

    During these encounters, we shall explore the crevices of your brilliant mind, unravel your secret talents, and unlock the mystical knowledge that resides within. Think of it as an opportunity to embark on a journey of self-discovery and professional growth, all while basking in the warm glow of your manager's approval.

    Imagine, for a moment, a utopia where we break free from the shackles of daily routine, where the mystical words "agenda" and "action items" dance merrily across the room. And fear not, for laughter shall be our trusty companion, ensuring that no awkward silence or dull moment dare cross our path.

    So, my dear Anjali, I beseech you to embrace this unparalleled opportunity with open arms and a sprightly spirit. Sign up for this quest of camaraderie and collaboration, and let us embark together on a journey that shall forever redefine the meaning of "workplace connection."

    Awaiting your enthusiastic response and ready to embark on this epic odyssey with you"