Penalty for requesting flexible working...

Hello everyone, I am hoping somebody might be able to advise whether a company is in the right to implement a ‘penalty’ for requesting flexible working please… The situation is that employees are contracted to do 35 hours a week. They are able to request flexi-time, as part of flexible working policy, however if they do, they are then told they have to work an additional 15 minutes a day for the privilege, equating to 2.5hrs a week. This seems a bit off to me, and I am even wondering if it’s legal?! New employees are automatically put on flexi-time and on the 37.5hr contract now . Many thanks all, Stew

  • I think everyone has this the wrong way round. Firms should pay less money to staff who want to go to an office as offices are really expensive things to use. I suggest the managers who want to cut the wages of those who work flexibly should have their wages cut by 15-25% :)