Annual leave entitlement following flexible working request

Hi All, 

I would appreciate your assistance on the following query:

Employee made a flexible working request. Her old arrangement was 24 hours a week (x8 hour days over x3 days per week) which has now been amended to 24 hours over 4 days (x6 hour days) from the 1st September. 

The employee has raised an issue regarding her amended annual leave allowance which is calculated based on days worked as opposed to hours. 

It has been calculated as follows (full time employees allowance this year including bank holidays is 34 days):

 Jan – Aug (8 months) worked 3 days P/W  34/5x3 x 8 months – 1.7 days holiday accrued p/m – 13.5 days

Sept – Dec (4 months) working 4 days P/W  34/5x4 x 4 months – 2.26 days holiday accrued p/m – 9 days - total for this year - 22.5 days

The employee has taken 7 days holiday between Jan - Aug, leaving 6.5 days that has been accrued but not used up until the flexible working request was granted and actioned from 1st September. The issue is that the employee believes those 6.5 days should be paid at her previous daily rate based on 8 hours per day (she is salaried) as opposed to the new daily rate based on 6 hours per day which is what our Operations/Payroll Manager (who is also her Line Manager) has told her. 

In which case, it would appear she then loses just over 12 hours pay as this amendment wasn't made clear to her when she requested the amendment in her working pattern (only x2 weeks before she wanted it amended). Therefore, had she been given the option, she says she could have taken those 6.5 days at 8 hours per day where as now, those 6.5 days will be paid at a daily rate of 6 hours per day. The Operations/Payroll Managers argument is that the holiday is worked out based on days and not hours and that she has been given the correct amount of days, plus had the employee taken the holiday earlier in the year, it wouldn't have been a problem - 'you win some, you lose some'. The employee has created a real issue about this and has acted unprofessionally in a couple of instances which has not helped her case. 

However, despite that, something about this doesn't sit right with me. Do the calculations above and the way it's been calculated/managed look correct? My concern is, where as previously, those 6.5 days that she accrued would have enabled her to have just over 2 weeks off, now they have been 'devalued' as this would only be around 1.5 weeks off, plus at the new daily rate. Should the days she has already accrued but not used (6.5 days) be recalculated across a 4 day week now that that is her new arrangement?

Appreciate your thoughts. 

Many thanks

  • Is there any option to calculate the company’s part time employees’ holiday in hours? This would resolve the issue - her working hours have not changed (24 hours/week), and therefore her accrued holiday would not have changed when the working pattern was changed.

    There would be the question of bank holidays (these are usually rolled in to part time employees’ total allowance, and then booked out of the allowance if they fall on one of their normal working days).

    The unprofessional way the employee has reacted needs addressing - although I can understand the frustration caused by calculating her leave in this way!
  • In reply to Maya:

    Hi Maya, thank you very much for your response.

    It is frustrating as this whole matter has been caused over the question of these 12 hours. Unfortunately the Ops Manager is adamant that as all other employees annual leave has always been calculated on days and it has never previously been an issue, that it would be unfair to change that now. Although I appreciate in this instance it potentially is at this employees detriment.

    I suppose the question is whether there is an obligation for annual leave that has been accrued on a particular month (in this instance Jan-Aug) to be paid at the contracted rate of pay during the month it was accrued. Or, whether the employee is paid the annual leave at the existing rate of pay at the time it is taken?
  • Although the Ops Manager is probably saying "it's only 12 hurs", this is now 2 of her new days or just under 10% of her yearly holiday allowance so I can see why she is getting upset.

    For all the hassle, if it is "impossible" to change the holiday/payroll system to hours just make a one off payment or let her have an extra 2 days off in lieu to compensate and ensure she is not detrimented by the change