Flexible Working request - childcare

Hi all,

We have a FWR for a colleague who currently works 3 days in the office 2 days at home (contract states office based but as per our hybrid working policy we allow this working arrangement).

The colleague is coming back from Maternity Leave and asked that she works 3 days from home and 2 days in the office.  She was an underperformer prior to Mat Leave and her reason stated in the FWR was that she has no childcare for one of the days so would like to WFH and look after her child.  The business can't support this due to it being an office based role and activity which needs to be completed on site - but where do we stand in terms of rejecting a request whereby looking after her 1 year old child has been stated as the reason?



  • Detrimental impact on quality is a statutory reason and I don't mean impact on childcare.It is nigh on impossible to do a full day's work and look after a small child unless she can give you detailed reasons how it will work.
  • In reply to Peter Stanway:

    Amazing - thank you Peter.
  • You may want to make it clear in your policy that WFH always requires appropriate childcare to be in place - the term "appropriate" appreciating that an older child doesn't need to be looked after, but a 1 year old certainly does. There is no way that anyone can focus on a job whilst dealing with a child of that age, unless their job can specifically accommodate it - for example, a childminder/nanny.
  • Steve Bridger

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    Community Manager

    23 Jan, 2024 12:16


    There are lots of previous threads that will also give you a feel for how others have approached this subject. I think this is the most recent...

     Hybrid working and childcare