Employee unable to work agreed days due to childcare

Warehouse colleague who worked 4on 4off was unable to do days due to childcare reasons. We transferred them to nights reducing their hours to 8. We notice they are still having childcare absences, therefore we invite them to a meeting to understand their situation. They further request only to work 2 days, which was effective 1st May. Colleague is still unable to attend work and wondering what options as a business we have. This has been going on since October, and the colleague isn’t arranging appropriate childcare. Contractually, they are not fulfilling what is required from them. What would you recommend to next approach this?

  • just further adding, due to their job role of working in a warehouse, hybrid working isn’t suitable.
  • In reply to Salman :

    I'd suggest a talk with them to explain that you have adjusted their role as far as possible and they are still unable to fulfil the terms of their contract. You could consider whether to allow them a period of paid or unpaid time off to try to organise better/consistent child care but ultimately no-one can pick and choose when they want to work, no matter how genuine or valid the reason. A sensitive conversation about how you have helped so far, how you might be able to help further but what your back stop is may be needed. You are not obliged to let people take regular absence and if despite everything the employee is not actually doing much work, then ultimately they may need to understand their employment may be at risk if they don't actually turn up.