Full-time WFH request - concerns about mental health

We have an employee who is in a standalone role and the majority of his work is over the phone or by email, mainly with clients.  He is in a fairly small office and there have been occasional complaints about his conduct which we have addressed with him. He does suffer with his mental health and can get very stressed in the office and also has physical health issues, but we have made reasonable adjustments which he is happy with, including working from home one day a week which hasn't had any negative impacts. 

He has now asked to work from home full-time.  The managing director is very anti-wfh (sigh), and for every wfh request I have to challenge her decision making, but I am concerned about the impact of wfh full-time on his mental health. He lives on his own and he doesn't really need to communicate with other staff to get his job done.  If we were to agree to his request I would want to ensure daily check-ins with his manager who I suspect will feel is a burden.

I'm careful not to make assumptions about the effects wfh could have on his mental health, but am also conscious that we have a duty of care. I'm probably overthinking this and, if there is no genuine reason to decline the request to agree it for a trial period.

Does anyone else have anyone in a standalone role who works from home full-time and how do you make sure they are ok?