Straw poll on workstation setup and occupancy levels

Given the lifting of govt restrictions on social distancing and the green light on return to the office (which of course is also hugely caveated by both HSE and the “working safely” guidances with regards to the employer’s duty of care), I’m keen to understand the practical approach employers have taken since 19 July/16 August. Specifically, I’m interested in approach to physical setup of their space when returning their FULL cohort of employees to an office environment simultaneously (ie imagine 100% occupancy working in an open plan environment involving rows of desks requiring side by side and face-on working). If we put aside things like cleaning regimes, ventilation and CO2 monitors, employee self-management of symptoms/Health, etc, I’d like to know how many of you are still insisting on things like social distancing, limiting your occupancy through bubble/cohort working,allocating designated socially distanced desks, back to back working only, putting up hygiene screens, etc. Could you share your practice with me, and /or also point me to any reputable publications that decipher the practical implications of the HSE and “working safely “ suggestions regarding limiting contact?

  • Hoping for a response - anyone happy to share their approach?
  • We still have COVID secure measures in place until January 2022
  • Thanks, Alan - and at that point, will you drop additional mitigations (aside from cleaning/ventilation, etc) like limited occupancy or social distancing?

    What are your measures planned for then? (incidentally, that’s when we’re keeping most of our key mitigation in place until then, too, I’m just planning ahead so we can prepare properly and initiate employee consultation in good time).