Will regular working from home override office-base

Hi, I would appreciate a response to a small query. We are based in London and have an employee who has recently moved to Sheffield due to personal circumstances and requested to work from home and come into the office 2 days in every 3 weeks (unless called in for meetings) which we are happy to approve even though our policy states to come into the office once every 2 weeks - which has been agreed for a couple of other employees.

However before we confirm, I just wondered whether it will have implications on employer having to cover certain costs – like travel to the office (still considered as a commute, not business travel) or home office expenses.  I am aware of the government claim for tax relief for those working from home but are there any other implications for us as an employer?

We are a very small charity of 25 people so cost is a factor for us.

Thanks for your help.

  • Hello Leslie,

    I am in a similar situation where an employee has requested home working contract with their home address as a place of work. We have introduced hybrid working with office visits 2-3 times a week or as agreed with your line manager, she has agreed to attend once every fortnight but would like travel to be paid for.

    The other issue is we have in the past agreed to a similar arrangement and have agreed to pay for the expenses, this was before covid. How did you resolve this issue?

    How do we mitigate against other staff requesting the same offer knowing that it has been previously offered to some staff, and not feel unfairly treated.

  • Steve Bridger

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    Community Manager

    4 Feb, 2022 16:17

    In reply to Roza:

    Hi Roza... I guess that pre-COVID this would've been ad hoc... and my tuppence worth now is that it ought to be clearly stated that you are now moving / have moved to a hybrid working regime and that what is still effectively commuting (even if every fortnight) will not be reimbursed.

    Not sure what others think?