Keeping in Touch days

Hi, Although I'm based in the UK, we have employees based in Ireland. I've been asked the question if our colleagues in Ireland are entitled to Keeping in Touch days whilst on maternity leave, like the UK. Can someone assist with this please? Thank you in advance
  • I'd say if the company is based in the UK and if they have someone on maternity leave living abroad, they would apply UK's employment law (as the person is employed by a UK company). So in my books, I'd allow the employees to return for a half a day or a day, etc KIT to do training, shadow a colleague, etc. if there's a business reason for it/if employee wants to. Just make sure you pay for that KIT day at the full day's rate. In the UK there's no legal entitlement or requirement for taking KIT days.
    But for the sake of clarity I'd contact the ACAS equivalent there first for advice. I know Northern Ireland has Labour Relations Agency, but not sure about Ireland... might be a good idea to research first and give them a ring (or check with ACAS!)!
  • In reply to Irena:

    The OP says employees based in Ireland and if that means working in Ireland then Irish employment law will apply.

    The maternity leave provisions in The Republic are not the same as in the UK and should be checked out - for example I do not believe that there is a statutory right to request KIT days, or if voluntarily agreed by the employer whether or not if affects maternity benefit.