HR Opportunities in the UAE

Good evening,

I currently work as a HR Manager in a Multi Academy Trust and my husband has an opportunity to relocate to the UAE (Abu Dhabi) and I was hoping this community could provide some advice in terms of HR opportunities and sourcing employment?

Any advice you have would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,


  • Hi Jodie
    Most HR roles go to UAE Nationals in Abu Dhabi. HR is not typically seen as a profession, therefore you have to prove as an expat that you can add value. It is also difficult if you don't have regional experience to take an operational role as you will be less familiar with empoyment laws and culture.

    That said, if you've got particular expertise or industry experience, you could market that. e.g. digital transformation and talent analytics are hot topics at the moment. Networking is the best way to source employment here, and it is easier when you are in country. I recommend contacting companies direct and attending networking events if you do decide to come here. You should also consider commuting to Dubai to keep your options open.

    Good luck!
  • Hi Jodie,
    A lot of companies in the UAE use LinkedIn to advertise their vacancies, so that would be a good place to start and would give you an idea of what's currently available in Abu Dhabi. If you want to stay in education, there are also local companies like Gems Education who you could apply to directly - plus there are the usual HR recruitment agencies.
    The working environment is very different, so I'd recommend reading up on HR trends in the region and reviewing labour law (u.ae/.../employment-laws-and-regulations-in-the-private-sector). The CIPD also has an office in Dubai.
    Hope this helps,
  • In reply to Inga:

    Thank you, Inga.
  • In reply to Julia:

    Thank you, Julia.