Part time HR

Good morning,

I hope you’re all well.

I feel the need to express my frustration with the lack of stimulating part time HR roles on offer. 

Considering the fact our profession promotes the importance of offering flexible work patterns, there are very few part time HR positions around. Perhaps this is only a regional issue, but for the last few years I have seen very few HR roles on job boards.

It seems it’s full time or put up with a mixed role - finance/hr/payroll/general admin. I don’t want to wish my children’s lives away just so I can return full time. I don’t see why that should be the only option. 

Perhaps this is just an issue where I live. Maybe I’m looking on the wrong websites. I’m close to completing my level 5 Diploma and have starting to question my choice of career.

Anyone else feel this way? Any words of wisdom? Struggling to find the motivation to complete the course.


Kind regards,


  • In reply to Nikki Baines:

    Thanks for your reply, Nikki. I am currently working for a SME. I struggle with being left to my own devices with no guidance from senior managers. I was taken on as an Administrator, but I have been left to get on with managing difficult ER cases.
    I have only worked in HR for a short while and feel quite burnt out by the lack of support. I thought perhaps a smaller role in a larger company would be the way forward for me, but I am struggling to find this type of position. Fingers crossed something will turn up soon!
  • In reply to Angela:

    Thanks Angela.
  • In reply to Jenny :

    Thanks for taking the time to reply, Jenny. I will have a chat with our local agencies to see if they can keep an eye out for me.
  • In reply to Rachel Bainbridge:

    Thanks Rachel. I have tried this before but got knocked back. Will give it another go. Thanks again.
  • In reply to Nicola:

    This sounds exactly like my situation Nicola! I was taken on as a HR Administrator for a SME, then the HR Manager left and now it's just me, dealing with things that are way out of my previous experience. It's a great opportunity but so lonely and scary!
  • Oh how strange, down here in Cornwall all I seem to see are part time HR roles. For example, my role right now is HR Manager part time and then to 'fill' the rest of the time I do another support role (although in practice the HR has been taking up all of my time so it looks like they may change me to be full time HR afterall)
  • In reply to Rosie :

    Cornwall might be a bit far for me to move for a part time role :)
  • Probably more common in public sector but I would say the majority in my HR team are actually part time (Business Partner, Head of HR etc) - it tends to be more the HR Assistants and HR Advisors that are full time .
    Even if a full time role the majority of any advertised roles state part time hours may be possible (or could this be due to the ever decreasing local government funding?)
  • Hi Nicola,

    I felt the same frustration! They are out there you just have to search really hard, that should not have to be the case though! I agree that HR should be leading the way and flexible working should not just be an option for a mother with young children; it should be available to all members of staff.

    Fortunately I found a part time, term time only role ideal for my family but it wasn't easy to find and I'm certain that the competition was fierce! There are quite a few Flexible working agencies starting up that might be of interest I know of the following:

    Flexible working for people like me (Facebook group and linked in)

    Do also search on Linkedin, all the best in your search
  • I have just been confirmed in post today, doing a 4 day week, so I am very happy. Goes back to Peter's early point that if you are in somewhere already and they like you, they are probably more likely to accommodate request for part time working. So there are some success stories out there.
  • In reply to Geraldine Brampah:

    Thanks for taking the time to reply, Geraldine. I will take a look at the sites you have suggested.
  • In reply to Fiona Mary Palmer:

    Congratulations, Fiona. Thanks for sharing your news with us. It is reassuring to know there are good employers out there. Best wishes for the future.
    Kind regards,
  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    7 Jun, 2019 07:02

    In reply to Fiona Mary Palmer:

    Very pleased for you, Fiona.
  • In reply to Nicola:

    You're welcome Nicola also try Trapeze HR another recruitment company specialising in part time.
  • I am sad to read all of the similar experiences that HR Professionals have struggled with flexible working. Personally I have not had that experience, my current and previous two roles have been part-time in varying positions of responsibility. I have gone for roles that are advertised as full-time and have made my position known during the interview stage that I am looking for an employer who would be flexible and would be open to discussing the the hours. I currently work 30hrs a week over 5 days (I work school hours 4 days a week and full day on Mondays). In my experience most employers would consider a good candidate on reduced hours. Good luck with the job search!