Hello everyone
This blog post has collected a lot of attention and comment over the past few days, although nothing I saw until this morning picked up on the swipe (cheap shot?) at HR. You have to scroll down almost to the end to find the comment on HR - it's at the end of the section just above 'how to apply' : https://dominiccummings.com/2020/01/02/two-hands-are-a-lot-were-hiring-data-scientists-project-managers-policy-experts-assorted-weirdos/
I only read it this morning because it was referenced in another blog (https://change-effect.com/).
We in HR have a terrible image problem. I used to buy into it somewhat myself and it seemed to me that HR seemed to attract low performers. This forum is one of the things that has made me revise that opinion - the typical post on here is from someone trying to do a good job and open to doing it better, even if the responses are sometimes on the critical end of constructive. Also, the people who respond are plainly motivated by wanting to help their virtual colleagues do the right thing in the right way and are also open to debate and critique of their suggestions.
I have to say that I'm not that impressed by someone who says he wants the most up-to-date digital thinking citing William Gibson novels. (If you haven't come across them, William Gibson was making a splash writing cyber-punk in the 1990s.)
So why the swipe at HR, which "obviously" needs a bonfire - so obviously that there's nothing supporting the statement as if it stands to reason to all right-thinking people.
Happy New Year.