Intimate toy handed in to HR... (nope, not joking!)

Wednesday 24th July - the day that, for the first time ever, I really did not have a clue what to do next... Here's some fun for your hump day afternoon (no pun originally intended but I'm really laughing at myself over here)

Employee A opens drawer in large open plan workspace (currently hosting c.20-30 employees) and something falls into the bin below - Employee A picks it up from the bin, and realises with a squeal that it is an intimate toy, in it's box, complete with USB charger and illustrations for use.

Aforementioned item in box has been handed to me covertly, wrapped in a tea towel with the words 'its not mine but someone has obviously lost it and I don't know how to get it back to the owner'

It's now locked in my desk drawer, I feel like I can hear it screaming 'WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO WITH ME NOW' 

I can't keep it a secret as the whole workspace were allegedly crowded around it howling with laughter, the owner probably won't want to claim it back from HR (I cannot even believe I'm typing this) and I certainly do not want to keep it - nor can I throw it away as the office cleaners would have a field day!

Not sure if anyone will have any ideas in particular, but it's probably the strangest thing that has happened to me in my 9 years in HR! 

EDIT - we had a period of months last year where someone kept leaving NSFW books in the book club in the communal kitchen - I genuinely thought the person who handed it to me was continuing the wind up but the item is present in the box and it was handed to me by a Manager so I doubt it...

  • Hi Catherine

    You could send an email to all asking the person to quietly come to you to claim the item? Or, if it's new and unused, wrap it up and give to someone at the yearly Secret Santa hahaha

  • In reply to Lisa:

    Hi Lisa,
    In previous roles I would have sent an email but we only have about 50% of EE's on email and I suspect it would just cause absolute pandemonium due to speculation - people watching to see if anyone goes to HR etc...

    There is no telling whether its new and unused! All I know is it is in the box (really, really trying to think professionally here but GOOD GRIEF! haha)
  • I am prepared to bet that someone bought it for a Secret Santa, long ago, then chickened out/saw sense and stashed it.

    Put it in Lost Property and forget about it. If it's still there in 12 months, bin.
  • In reply to Catherine:

    Hahaha so funny. I would be tempted to just walk through the office waving it above my head and asking "Any takers?" Heehee (only joking)
  • In reply to Robey:

    The odd thing is it was in an area that is re-stocked with something at least twice a day... it definitely hasn't been there a long time!

    I am going to put the matter in the hands of the business unit head (not literally) and see if they have any ideas. Totally bizarre but I would rather deal with it than have days of gossip wondering where its gone/who has got it...
  • Im with Robey

    If you don't think its connected to the other incident, then I'd treat it as any other item of lost property - keep for 12m, wrap it up if you're concerned about the cleaners (although cleaners don't generally rifle through bins and I'm sure they've seen a vibe before) and then bin.

    I think going to the business unit head is playing into the hands of the gigglers tbh.
  • Chuck it out. Or keep it for a week or two then chuck it out.

    There was a thread a Christmas or two ago about someone giving something similar as a secret Santa. Might be worth searching for it.
  • Its hardly a cutting edge HR issue. Everyone by now will now you've taken possession of it. Keep it for a week then bin it. Don';t forget the batteries are recyclable.
  • Johanna

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    CIPD Staff

    25 Jul, 2019 09:16

    Never a dull moment in the 'people profession'! I'd have thought binning it is really the only option. For more regular items, we have a lost and found section on our intranet and if it's a really valuable, precious thing like a wedding ring there'd probably be an all staff email.
  • In reply to David Perry:

    More meant as a bit of fun David, although still stands as one of the stranger things I have had in my desk drawer
  • In reply to Johanna:

    We regularly email to say 'we have a ring/set of keys/etc please describe them to prove they are yours' but I'm not sure I can send out 'I have a gents intimate toy, please come and collect it' :)
  • Perhaps we should continue the thread with 'strangest things you have had handed in to you' - the 'weirdest things we've found' thread is one of my favourites of all time
  • In reply to Catherine:

    I used to keep a gerbil in my drawer (she was very old so I wanted her with me for her final days)
  • In reply to David Perry:

    "Don';t forget the batteries are recyclable."

    Genuinely snorted at this comment David :D
  • In reply to Samantha:

    Genuine query here - what are NSFW books...?