Intimate toy handed in to HR... (nope, not joking!)

Wednesday 24th July - the day that, for the first time ever, I really did not have a clue what to do next... Here's some fun for your hump day afternoon (no pun originally intended but I'm really laughing at myself over here)

Employee A opens drawer in large open plan workspace (currently hosting c.20-30 employees) and something falls into the bin below - Employee A picks it up from the bin, and realises with a squeal that it is an intimate toy, in it's box, complete with USB charger and illustrations for use.

Aforementioned item in box has been handed to me covertly, wrapped in a tea towel with the words 'its not mine but someone has obviously lost it and I don't know how to get it back to the owner'

It's now locked in my desk drawer, I feel like I can hear it screaming 'WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO WITH ME NOW' 

I can't keep it a secret as the whole workspace were allegedly crowded around it howling with laughter, the owner probably won't want to claim it back from HR (I cannot even believe I'm typing this) and I certainly do not want to keep it - nor can I throw it away as the office cleaners would have a field day!

Not sure if anyone will have any ideas in particular, but it's probably the strangest thing that has happened to me in my 9 years in HR! 

EDIT - we had a period of months last year where someone kept leaving NSFW books in the book club in the communal kitchen - I genuinely thought the person who handed it to me was continuing the wind up but the item is present in the box and it was handed to me by a Manager so I doubt it...

  • In reply to Anka:

    NSFW = not suitable for work
  • In reply to Julie Dix:

    Thank you! I didn't want to google it in case it got censored!
  • In reply to Samantha:

    a gerbil!!!! I definitely wasn't expecting that
  • In reply to Catherine:

    I guess the gerbil wasn't expecting to be taken to work either.
    Probably no 'Gerbils and pets at work' policy either. Tut tut
  • In reply to David Perry:

    If no-one claims it, rather than binning it, a 'public-spirited' thing to do might be to put it in a plain brown envelope addressed to 'Cabinet Room, 10 Downing Street, London, SW1A 2AA' with a covering note to the effect that this might help with some of the prominent occupants' various  penchants for artificial etc stimulants......... ;-)

  • Update! Another item turned up yesterday tucked into the workstation of one of the male team members. This time not something that could have been lost and a very obvious prank. We did covert searches of the work area late last night and first thing this morning and no others have turned up so far... Offending item number 2 made me feel slightly unwell and has joined its pal in my desk drawer for now (eye roll)
  • Johanna

    | 0 Posts

    CIPD Staff

    26 Jul, 2019 10:30

    In reply to Catherine:

    Oh dear sounds like you have a serial 'inappropriate' prankster in the building. Now wasting everyone's time...
  • In reply to Catherine:

    Maybe something more intentional going on?
  • In reply to Julie Dix:

    Thanks Julie, I was also equally ignorant but no more! By the way, was this abbreviation included in the recent thread about acronyms, etc.??
  • In reply to Johanna:

    Johanna and Sam - definitely something more intentional. We plan to remain silent on it for a few days to see if a third appears. I have a slight concern about the nature of the items and the demographic of the team but i'm hoping it's paranoia!
  • a third item appeared Saturday - this one the most disgusting so far... we have remained silent and just been throwing them away but there is a clear pattern that they are all aimed at men in particular... something tells me it is only a matter of time before someone gets offended and complains!
  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    Woweee Steve - I got sucked down the rabbit hole with Lauren's posts...!
  • In reply to Catherine:

    Are they in the same place or targeting a particular area/team, could there be some bullying going on? Is there anyway to thin out the group of people able to leave the items. I know six days is a long time, but you did a search this time last week. So this third one could only be during this time.

  • So you either wait it out until you catch the culprit or the person stops?. I assume he/she probably isn't aware that you know and if they are aware of your knowing, then not doing anything and keeping quiet is sending a clear message to the culprit isn't it?.

    I think its time to gather them together and make it very clear that you know what is going on and that you think that what has been done has gone beyond any reasonable joke or horseplay or whatever other intention is/was behind it.

    If it carries on then its time to investigate by making it quite clear that they will ALL be investigated and under suspicion and it is the company intention to; a), Carry out searches of individuals entering the company, b) Announce your intention to install covert surveillance cameras in order to catch the culprit/s.