HR acronyms & abbreviations

Hi all

I wondered if any of you have a list you could share regarding acronyms in HR.  As I am not in a specific HR role, I sometimes have to Google the acronyms I see on here and in articles or Twitter etc. An example would be SME....I had no idea that this referred to small to medium enterprises when I first saw it 

They would be extremely useful and I would be very grateful.

Many thanks


  • FWIW, AFAIK there isn't one. ;-)
  • In reply to David Perry:

  • Ee or Eee tends to mean employee and Er tends to mean employer. PAYE = Pay as you earn (tax), TUS = Trade Union side or Trade Unions, ER also means Employee Relations. I can't think of any more right now, but I'll keep posting every time I think of one! ;-)
  • In reply to Jacqueline:

    TUPE = Transfer of Undertakings Protection of Employment (regulations) and CPD = Continuous Professional development. PRP = Performance related pay, PDP = Performance Development Plan (or Process)
  • STI=Short Term incentive;
    LTI=Long Term Incentive
    DB = Defined Benefits (Pension Plan)
    DC=Defined Contributions (Pension Plan)
    PHI=Private Health Insurance
    FTE=Full Time Equivalent (equivalent part-time to full time)
  • RTW - return to work (sometimes RTWI - return to work interview)
    PR - performance review
    LOC - letter of concern
    PIP - performance improvement plan
    LTS - long term sock
    OH - occupational health
    TOIL - time off in lieu (sometimes just TIL)
  • Thank you everyone! I recognised some of these (and use them myself) such as RTW, PAYE, ER, CPD, PDP....but the rest are new to me!! Every day is a school day....
    Oh and Samantha - can you explain what a long term sock is please? Hahahahahaha sure you meant sick but just checking :)
  • In reply to Lisa:

    Youve never heard of long term sock? It's a bit Iike long term relationship only one is always missing and the one left behind doesn't put much effort in to be reunited.

    (Yes I meant sick :) )
  • In reply to Samantha:

    Blooming love this!! Thank you for making me giggle Samantha. I have had a naff day and that is just what I needed.
  • Steve Bridger

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    Community Manager

    11 Jun, 2019 07:32

    Crowdsourcing in action!
  • With my pedant hat on, I should point out that these are abbreviations, not acronyms. An acronym is a word made up of the initial letters of another word. There are acronyms within the abbreviations (like TUPE), of course, but most of them are just abbreviations. Ones that seem to come up a lot, though...

    AII/AIM Absence Improvement Interview/Meeting
    B2B Business to Business
    B2C Business to Consumer
    CEO Chief Executive Officer
    CIPD No idea...
    CPD Continuous Professional Development
    CX Chief Executive
    DB Defined Benefits
    DC Defined Contribution
    EE Employee
    ER Employer or Employee Relations
    ERA (or ERA96) Employment Rights Act 1996
    ERP Enterprise Resource Planning
    FD Financial Director
    FM Facilities Management/Facilities Manager
    FTE Full-Time Equivalent
    GM Gross Misconduct or General Manager (unusual, these days)
    H&S Health and Safety
    HASAW (or HASAW74) Health and Safety At Work Act 1974
    HRD Human Resources Director
    HRM Human Resources Manager or Human Resources Management
    HRIS Human Resources Information System
    LTI Long Term Incentive
    LTS Long-Term Sick
    MD Managing Directorr
    OH Occupational Health
    OT Overtime
    PAYE Pay As You Earn
    PDP Personal Development Plan
    PDR Personal Development Record
    PHI Private Health Insuance
    PIP Performance Improvement Plan
    PR Performance Review
    RTW or RTWI Return to Work Interview
    SME Small to Medium-sized Enterprise
    STI Short Term Incentive
    TOIL Time Off In Lieu
    TU Trade Union
    TUPE Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations
    WTD/WTR Working Time Directive/Regulations

    I'll edit this post as other suggestions come up.

  • In reply to Robey:

    CIPD - Chartered Institute of Professional Development?  :):)

  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    11 Jun, 2019 11:30

    In reply to Lisa:

  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    11 Jun, 2019 11:34

    In reply to Robey:

    Thanks, Robey... I've amended the discussion title and added 'abbreviations'.

    Hope that's OK, Lisa.
  • In reply to Steve Bridger:


    If only we had a robust card we could carry around to remind us