Hi I am looking for some advice to see what others would do in my situation. I have advised Management that their behaviours may lead to a problem of direct disability discrimination but they chose to take the risk anyway.
The situation has escalated and the Manager now expects me to deal with this employee by telling him his probationary period is to be extended and to be on hand to assist and ‘keep them on the right side’ by conducting this action.
My thoughts are that they chose not to take my advise therefore they made their bed and why do I have to ‘clean’ up their mess due to their unethical and immoral actions. Also why is it the job of HR to hold these conversations - surely that’s the job of the manager who is paid to manage his staff ?!?
I can’t justify their actions so feel I cannot answer any queries the employee may have if the conversation becomes difficult.
Any advise out there on how to deal with this problem while remain professional?
Much appreciated.