The gender split of CIPD members

I'm not sure I'm in the right place to post this but I'm sure someone will be able to help.

I'd like to understand the gender split of CIPD members. I found an article in People Management from September 2017 indicating that around 21% of members are male. Does anyone know where I can find out the current figure?


Alternatively, does anyone know where I can find a stat about the percentage of female HR professionals v male HR professionals. I'd like to include the stat as part of a paper I'm working on about progression into senior roles for women.


  • Hi Deborah

    Have you asked CIPD directly? - also CIPD Library Info Services may be able to provide a current bibliography etc (likely to be extensive!).

    There is little doubt though, whatever the latest figures, that males in HR are in a significant minority but of course much less so for HR Directors etc - especially in STEM companies - and gender pay gaps very much apply too.
  • Given the size of the profession I can’t imagibe the statistics can have moved by more than 1 or 2% either way in last 18 months.

    It won’t therefore be material I would have thought. The latest CIPD report may have numbers but 2017 could for last one anyway.
  • In reply to David:

    Thanks for your help, David.
  • In reply to Keith:

    Thanks for your help, Keith. I’ll stick with the figures I found in the article.
  • Johanna

    | 0 Posts

    CIPD Staff

    29 Mar, 2019 13:18

    Hi Deborah I have the current split for you here - still pretty much in line with 2017:

    Female 79.34%
    Male 20.45%
    Unknown 0.21%
  • In reply to Johanna:

    Brilliant! Thank you, Johanna.
  • In reply to Johanna:

    Hi Johanna, is there an updated figure for 2020?
  • Johanna

    | 0 Posts

    CIPD Staff

    26 Oct, 2020 10:03

    In reply to Theresa:

    I've requested one for you from our database team, will post here when I receive it :)
  • In reply to Johanna:

    Thank you!
  • Johanna

    | 0 Posts

    CIPD Staff

    17 Nov, 2020 10:07

    In reply to Theresa:

    Hi there, sorry for the delay in getting these figures! I have this for 2020:

    Female: 79.65%
    Male: 19.62%
    Unknown: 0.72%
  • In reply to Johanna:

    Thank you so much for this information.
  • In reply to Johanna:

    Hi Johanna,

    I'm not sure if this will be available but I was wondering if there were any statistics on LBTQ+ CIPD members or the HR profession more broadly? Thank you.
  • In reply to Johanna:

    It might be equally interesting to understand the breakdown of CIPD membership levels and/or seniority of gender split? in many organisations I have worked in, the majority of HR staff are female but the male percentage tends to gather at the senior levels.
  • Johanna

    | 0 Posts

    CIPD Staff

    5 Jan, 2022 13:47

    In reply to Catherine:

    Hi Catherine, I will investigate with colleagues for you. I know we don't ask for/collect this info on our main membership forms but it has come up in some of our surveys. There is a useful reference doc here from last Autumn which shows 'The People Profession in Numbers' - this also contains some interesting facts and figures more generally so I thought I'd share it here: www.cipd.co.uk/.../uk-people-profession-numbers
  • Johanna

    | 0 Posts

    CIPD Staff

    5 Jan, 2022 13:51

    In reply to Helen:

    Hi Helen, I can ask colleagues about that and try to get some info but in the meantime, this comes from our 'People Profession in numbers' research which we published last Sept.

    'The people profession has more female professionals overall
    Overall, 60% of the profession is female and 40% is male. This split is still reflected in more senior roles (61% are female and 39% are male) but is much more pronounced in junior roles, where 91% of those in HR administrative roles are female, compared to just 9% of men.

    Source: Annual population survey accessed through NOMIS (2)' www.cipd.co.uk/.../uk-people-profession-numbers