What are your current biggest challenges, HR community?

Hi HR community,

I'm doing a research project on the biggest HR challenges this moment in time. What are these for you? What kind of resources would you find useful? What kind of materials would help with your work? 

Thanks so much for your help in advance.


  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    16 Jun, 2020 15:50

    Hi Petra - this question gets asked here from time to time... but this is a good time to (re)ask it.

    Can community members capture in a sentence - or bullet points what is at the top of their (probably long) list of current challenges?
  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    Predicting the extent of business recovery and over what time scale so as to inform resourcing decisions
  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    Rebuilding teams once everyone returns to work (we contract with schools so are confident that the need remains for all staff to return at some point in the near future). Some staff have been furloughed and some have not, and they have been expected to continue to provide essential services throughout this whole period. I sense some tensions around those who've "held the fort" in the absence of colleagues who, on the face of it, have had a paid absence. I anticipate some friction when bringing teams back together....
  • Health and safety responsibilities for preparing a risk assessment and returning to the office plan. While my challenge isn't strictly HR related, it has unfortunately fallen to myself and my colleague to prepare. Thankfully the government guidance is quite clear and a great help.
  • Steve Bridger

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    Community Manager

    19 Jun, 2020 17:20

    In reply to Gemma:

    Hi Gemma,

    Have you seen our Returning to the workplace planner and the other resources here?

  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    Hi Steve. Sorry, yes I have. I should have included CIPD resources in the last sentence too!
  • In reply to Nikki Baines:

    Absolutely agree with the 'tension' observation - careful planning to minimise this is required
  • My biggest challenge is the absence of a helpful crystal ball combined with the need to plan ahead for and resource really important changes to make the organisation safe for everyone in it. As a school we're partially 'open' already, but the logistics of bringing back 1000+ pupils and 200+ staff, and allowing them all to safely navigate the site - well, let's just say it's not straightforward.
  • Hi Petra,

    Our biggest challenges (excluding COVID-19) are:
    - Mental health support
    - Managing and monitoring reasonable adjustments
    - Holding thorough investigations

    I hope this helps,

  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    21 Sep, 2020 10:51

    In reply to Grace:

    Very interesting, Grace... and welcome to the Community.

    Still keen to hear from others.
  • Right now it's the end of the furlough scheme next month.We have a number of staff returning and we're struggling to find work for them but we don't want to lose them via redundancy processes (if we can avoid it) because when work inevitably picks up again we will struggle to replace them.We're trying to juggle retaining as many staff as possible to meet future needs whilst balancing a very quiet/low workload across the board.
  • In reply to Gemma:

    Gemma, two ways to occupy people that you may want to consider are

    1) training, if budgets allow it, and
    2) reviewing and improving procedures to make them more efficient