Course provider

Good afternoon,

I'm new to CIPD and looking at enrolling as soon as possible for Level 5 Certificate. I've done some research on providers, but as I'm not currently in a HR role and I will be studying in my own time and paying for this myself, I'm just looking for some advice from someone who was maybe in my position initially?

I'm looking for online courses only but would like to watch lectures/webinars/seminars (not necessarily live) as I always find that the best ways to learn. Some providers have mentioned no lectures but you get a chance to ask the tutor questions if you get stuck, which isn't what I'm really looking for. I'm more of a here's a book, here's the teacher, listen and learn and then ask any questions type of person. Any recommendations would be much appreciated.

Thank you in advance,


  • Hi Daf

    Hopefully some of our student members will be along soon to offer you some advice.

    In the meantime I wanted to make some observations based on my experience as a supervisor of HR student projects at L7. The ones that struggle most are those who are not in an HR role and have no HR experience. HR is a very practical discipline underpinned by theory. Learning the theory alone is not as effective as discussing with colleagues on your course how it is applied in practice.

    It's a good thing to know your own preferred learning style, but in this case you may find something that's more interactive is more practical in the long run.

    Good luck with the studies.