RIP the Employee Handbook? Radical ideas wanted!

Our employee handbook is dated, irrelevant in some aspects and way too long - a typical traditional handbook!

I'm just embarking on a project to overhaul it and update people related policies and I'm hoping to connect with anyone who considers they have a modern/innovative approach to this document.  

If you are willing to help me out as I benchmark other organisations please get in touch.

  • I looked at this briefly at my last place. There are some lovely examples out there (Netflix is often cited but Valve has my heart) but they were well outside of my abilities at the time.
    I ended up writing a FAQs section (If I have a half day, what time do I finish?) for things people just wanted the answer for. I did start to rewrite the whole thing in a much more human way, including advice to managers and recommendations for external reading (gov.uk, ACAS, maternity weeks calculators) rather than making it too bulky. Unfortunately, we were bought out before it was published.
    Enjoy the project and I look forward to seeing what other suggestions you get as I would love to actually deliver a project like this one day!
  • In reply to Cat Jones:

    Thanks Cat
  • In reply to Cat Jones:

    Thanks Cat
  • I do still like a proper handbook as an easy and quick reference point, but I've thrown the idea out there of us doing a video to go with our handbook with a virtual tour, key elements from the handbook pointed out, 'interviews' with employees, examples of our work with clients etc.

    I keep waking up in the night going "ooooooooh we could add that in"......so I do need to scale it back a bit as in my head its production is currently on a par with a Hollywood blockbuster, but am hoping to start storyboarding it in the new year :)
  • In reply to Samantha:

    Sorry meant to add, my aim of this is to also have it as a new employee induction video.
  • In reply to Cat Jones:

    Hi, I can't find the Valve company, what do they do?
  • In reply to Cat Jones:

    Hi, I can't find the Valve company, what do they do?
  • In reply to Kim:

    Valve make video games and gaming platforms. If you search "Valve Handbook" it bring up their 2012 version first.
    As you can imagine, a lot of things in there are very nerdy and will resonate with people that want to work at that company.
  • In reply to Cat Jones:

    Cat, as someone who also works in tech - this is AMAZING!
  • In reply to Cat Jones:

    I love the fact they've put it on Steam. Talk about playing to your audience. :)
  • In reply to Lesley:

    Ha! I didn't even notice that. It was leaked in 2012 so they probably just decided to host themselves. As it is so old, there is probably a version 2 for employees. But Valve fans will know that there probably isn't a version 3...
  • I love this idea, it is something that I am looking to implement somewhere down the line. I have come across Valve before as I work in the tech industry and think their handbook is great.