Discuss the new Profession Map...

Steve Bridger

| 0 Posts

Community Manager

13 Nov, 2018 08:44

You may have picked up that the new Profession Map was unveiled by Peter Cheese (CEO @ CIPD) in his opening address at the Annual Conference in Manchester last week. If you haven't, don't worry... we will be writing to all CIPD members introducing it this week.

Thousands of people have contributed to this new Map but it's worth noting that while the 2013 Profession Map was the last update of the map originally developed a decade ago, it will still underpin our membership and quals and is still 'fit for purpose'. However the new Profession Map can also be referenced now and people professionals can benchmark themselves against it. Eventually, we will fully transition over to the new Map.

Peter has given more context in this blog post...

In the short-term, our 2013 Profession Map will stay the basis for our qualifications and membership standards. It will remain a robust, relevant and useful point of reference as we transition to the new Map. So if you’re a CIPD member your membership level is unaffected. And if you’re considering studying with us there’s no reason to delay. But if you want to start thinking about your CPD, then you can use the new Map as the basis for this. We have already been developing more content and learning in the newer areas of capability and knowledge called out in the new Map.

Neil Morrison has also written a post on his blog that is well-worth reading: A blueprint for HR

As Neil says...

[to do our job well] we need to be led by principles, ensuring ethical practice where people and professionalism matter. We need to based our decisions and initiatives on evidence, not fads and whims and to be focussed on the outcomes of our work for our people, for our profession and for society at large. 

Of course, the success of “The new Profession Map” will be dependent on the adoption by practitioners not just in the UK, but across the globe. I know my team have already started looking at how we can incorporate this into our organisation. And that’s why I absolutely implore you to do the same, to help us come together and build a profession that is fit for the now and the future.

You can take a look at the Map here

Please... do use this thread to ask any questions about the new Map, and I'll ensure someone posts a response.

  • There is a clear gap betwee "evidence-based"/"outcomes driven" and "principles-led". After all, if someone isn't following evidenced-based practice or focussing upon outcomes, it's what we would see as a capability issue. But if someone isn't being principled - "ensuring ethical practice where people and professionalism matter" - it's a disciplinary one.

    We're all aware of companies that have been in the Press in recent years for a decidedly un-principled approach to people management, so I'd be interested to know to what extent the CIPD is proactive in holding the HR leaders in such bodies - where they are presumably CIPD members - to account.

    Over the last, say, three years, how many people have been stripped of their membership for breaches of ethical standards?
  • It would be good if we could link CIPD organised events - both at branch/area level and ACE, London Event, Conferences etc with the map as a way of helping members with CPD.
    So, for example, a session at ACE would indicate which map area and which level(s) it applies to.
    I'm sure this would be of value to members in helping them decide whether to attend a particular event; and whether their time will be well spent.
  • Steve Bridger

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    Community Manager

    14 Nov, 2018 12:30

    In reply to Anna:

    Likewise... I've often wondered whether there is a way we can (even retrospectively) 'map' some of the meaty discussions on this Community to the professional values of being principles-led, evidence-based and outcomes driven[?]
  • In reply to Robey:

    Hi there.

    The CIPD Code of Professional Conduct www.cipd.co.uk/.../code has been in place since 2012 (with previous iterations in place before that). Since 2012 until the end of June 2018, the CIPD investigated over 54 cases, 21 of which were referred to a Hearing. In some cases, the Conduct Panel publish details of the case and you can read about these via this link: www.cipd.co.uk/.../conduct-cases.

    The CIPD have been looking at its role in supporting Members with developing ethical competence and with ethical practice and this work is ongoing. One of the outputs from this work for example is the launch of the service in this community area (Workplace Dilemmas In Confidence: www2.cipd.co.uk/.../workplace_dilemmas ).

    Ethics related discussions and panels are taking place across the branch network and were a strong feature of the annual conference programme. And the CIPD have a range of resources for Members on ethics:
    www.cipd.co.uk/.../ethics with more to be developed.

    If you would like to correspond on this subject please email: ethics@cipd.co.uk
  • In reply to Tina:

    It would be good to see the CIPD being more vocal publicly on ethics issues. For example, the Women and Equalities Committee has just launched an inquiry (sadly, with a very short response time) into the use of NDAs in employment. There is a suggestion that these are used to silence women claiming sexual harassment. They are often used where the balance of power is unequal and can pose a dilemma for HR.
    This is the sort of thing I would expect CIPD to comment on and issue guidance to members.
  • Steve Bridger

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    Community Manager

    15 Nov, 2018 15:39

    In reply to Anna:

    Anna... and others (!)... the public policy team here (at CIPD) is responding to the Women and Equalities Committee inquiry into the use of NDAs and would be delighted to hear from members who wanted to help inform our response.

    Please email CIPD's Head of Public Policy Ben Willmott if you would like to have your say on this important issue: b.willmott@cipd.co.uk
  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    Hi Steve, I posted something about NDAs in this context in the LI Chartered Fellows sub-group three weeks ago. It didn't generate much in the way of responses, but someone from CIPD staff might consider posting in the main LI group - I think more people skim through posts there than they do here.

    It would be good to see the response covered in one of the regular Wednesday newsletters I receive from CIPD. As you say, an important issue and CIPD should be taking a position on this.
  • Johanna

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    CIPD Staff

    16 Nov, 2018 08:33

    Wanted to give a shout out to community member Jacqueline Chiplin who is featured on some of our promotional banners for the #newProfessionMap ! Great to have your support Jackie! 

  • Steve Bridger

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    Community Manager

    16 Nov, 2018 12:00

    In reply to Johanna:

  • I should also mention the People Profession work we at People Management have been doing with CIPD to support the Profession Map – video interviews, blogs and Q&As with HR, L&D and OD leaders, some familiar, others less so. All designed to stimulate a discussion about the future direction of the profession, so do take a look.
