Clash of leadership

I’m looking for advice if possible.

There are two managers within a team who have different management styles, one will challenge when needed and push for the best results and ensure that everyone is doing their job and trying to maintain a target. The other is much more laidback, is friendly with his team and will dig around to ensure they meet targets.

They are clashing as the manager who will challenge is doing so around the work place to ensure that she is getting the agents to work however the other won’t! Both are protective of their teams as a manager will be.

I’m at a loss now as it is bringing an atmosphere to the workplace.

  • Welcome to the communities.

    I am not entirely clear how this problem manifested itself. Is one of them over stepping the mark and managing the other persons team? Or is it more the teams observing the two styles and getting confused?

    If both styles work then you need to be clear what the desired outcome is. Different styles can be equally effective and get the best out of people.

    It may be as simple as their manager ( not HR) sitting down with them both and having a chat about their different styles and how they can best work together and not confuse the teams.
  • Hi Lisa,

    What do you mean by "dig around to ensure they meet targets"? Is his laid-back style leading to them not meeting targets and so he is having to do it himself or 'massage' the figures?
  • Hi Lisa,

    The way I've read your post is that Ms Challenge is overstepping the mark and directing/using/ordering Mr Laid-Back's team. If so this needs to be squished quickly, she has no right to command another team in this way - unless, of course, Ms Challenge has been bought in to revive a failing team led by Mr Laid-Back.

    If I'm right in my understanding then Ms Challenge is probably frustrated by Mr Laid-Back's apparent lack of command/ambition/control and (in her eyes) she is either trying to help him, or trying to take over from him and do it properly. This is not her job to do and she should be reigned in. Mr Laid-Back, on the other hand, appears to be allowing his workers to work and only stepping in when there's a problem. Mr Laid-Back's team will probably make more mistakes than Ms Challenge's, but this is the only way you learn and as long as he's got his finger on the pulse he's able to step in immediately. Ms Challenge's team will be able to follow orders, but will they be able to think for themselves and what happens if she's away and not able to command. Look back at McGregor's 'Theory X & Theory Y'.

    If both Ms Challenge and Mr Laid-Back are meeting their targets, then there's no problem with either of their styles, it's just the way they are and it works for their teams. They should each be allowed to get on with it. Personally, I don't like to be micro-managed and would work far better under Mr Laid-Back's leadership than under Ms Challenge. Others I have worked with are definitely Team Challenge members.