Neil Morrison is HR Director for Severn Trent Water and a Board member @CIPD. Neil has written a short but insightful post on his blog entitled 7 tips for better HR practice.
I'm sure Neil won't mind me lifting the first 3 of his tips below. In my view they are brilliantly observed and articulated...
- Express a view – don’t fall into the trap of, “it’s my position to advise, you make the choice”. Not only does this annoy managers, it also disempowers you and makes you inessential. Why bother asking you if that’s all you do? Don’t be afraid to express a view and explain why you feel that way, even if others don’t agree no-one will ever disrespect you for having an opinion.
- See the person – its easy to get into the view that you need to be commercial, tough and driving the agenda of “the business” and forget about the primary aspect of your role. You can be all of these things and still see the human impact. Never forget to see the person in all choices and decisions, that is your unique lens.
- Don’t hide behind policy – similarly to “only advising”, hiding behind policy disempowers you. We know that there are good reasons to have policies, but you need to be able to explain why they’re appropriate and useful, not just quote them. Most decisions will always lie in the margins.
Read the whole post and please feel free to add your own thoughts below.
What would be on your own tips - other than acting professionally most of the time ;)