I have been in HR Support for around 16 years now with most recent positions specialising in internal recruitment on contract. Back in 2014/15 I took a couple years out to have a family. I returned to work part-time doing office management until I built my confidence back up to go back into HR.
I am currently working on a short-term contract which is due to end early December and I'm at a cross-roads of which way to go.
Do I stick with internal recruitment, some say I will be pigeon holing myself or should I keep my options open and go back into an HR Support position (Admin / Coordination)? I enjoy both but feel I can work at a higher level with internal recruitment as I feel I have a better understanding of it.
I have really struggled with my confidence since having a family, going from my career to 'mum', and the transition back into work has not been easy. I am still struggling to get the work / life balance right having two young toddlers.
Any guidance or advice would be appreciated.
Thank you!