HR myths

A lighthearted one for you all...

We've been recruiting a lot recently and a colleague in sales stated, "If we get more people in, you'll have to get a disabled person soon". He was under the impression that companies of a certain size MUST hire people with a disability. After pointing out that was totally untrue, we also had a positive conversation about disability is more than using a wheelchair...

What comments have you heard relating to HR that are totally not true?

Fake news? Fiction? Fantasy?

  • When any of the HR team go into the canteen to fill the kettle, get a sandwich etc. we are only doing it to spy on employees apparently - that was one comment from a manager :)
  • In reply to Samantha:

    That's a sad indictment of what a lonely profession HR can be. What a horrible manager!
  • That we don't care enough about employees - from employees,
    That we care "too much" about employees - from management,
    That we are the organisations police,
    That we are all very highly paid (I know, I laughed too), and one that's been mentioned before,
    That we have a crystal ball (I'm looking at you, former colleague, when you didn't get your pay because you'd changed your bank account and not told us).
  • In reply to Owen:

    Those are great, Owen! All so true.
  • I'm a bit late to this one but have enjoyed reading the other myths, most of which i have experienced.

    The one I had a complaint levvied at me over, was that I sit cand change peoples tax codes when I don't like them...
  • That "Equality" means threating everyone "the same".

    That threating everyone "the same" is treating them "equally"
  • "you can't sack me I've a GP's note".
  • In reply to David Perry:

    ...and my mate, who's a cleaner in the local nick, says.....
  • 'We are a service department here to do what we are told' (sadly my interim HR manager, who has no HR experience!)
  • In reply to Fiona:

    Thats shocking and worse than the "we are here to write job descriptions, letters and pay people" view of a previous manager I had
  • I read the comments on a Financial Times article today about Performance Reviews. Apparently they are "HR's biggest failure" and proof that HR should be abandoned as a profession altogether!
  • In reply to Rosie :

    Performance reviews cannot be carried out by HR, because HR Managers are not the ones seeing the "performance" or competent to assess it (except of those people within the HR department itself, of course). HR's role (as with all other aspects of "people management") is to manage "how" performance reviews and appraisals are carried out, so as to be objectively fair and effective.

    That process might be made futile by the inability of line managers to put HR-guided good-practices into effect, or a refusal by them to provide HR with the criteria of review or appraisal for guidance; to be discussed and determined (cooperatively though mutually shared information and understanding), but that is not an HR-created problem, it's a LM/OM one.

    The typical response of some people (and FT columnists) to something they don't understand: Reject it, demonise it, and if possible kill it!

    Turn the page and do the crossword instead......

  • In reply to Rosie :


    Is the volume of of "fake news" today conclusive proof that journalism no longer exists as a profession?

  • In reply to Peter:

    Thanks Peter, it rubbed me up the wrong way earlier - your response is what I was thinking but you've articulated it perfectly :)