
Hi All,

There is so much information out there at the moment but I cannot seem to find the answer to this question..

We had 3 people told by 111 to self-isolate last Friday for 7 days. Advice has now changed to isolate for 14 days - do they get extended to 14 days automatically or can they come back in after 7 days in if they have no symptoms?

Thank you


  • The guidance is not entirely clear and has changed

    But I think the current guidance is that if someone in your household has one of the symptoms then whole house self isolates for 14 days. If you have symptoms you self isolate for 7 still. Clearly the two may come into conflict. In that case in absence of any guidance to contrary I am going with the family 14 (unless they live alone). The issue of course is partly as they havent been tested they may not have had it
  • If you live alone, self isolate for 7 days. If others in household, ALL of you self isolate for 14 days. This is because symptoms can take a while to show.  This is how I read it anyway. Hopefully someone else can clarify for you.

  • I believe that it is 7 days if you have had symptoms and 14 days for the rest of your family/household. I found these visuals helpful. As you say, the advice is constantly changing though.


  • Hello, I've been advising employees 7 days inline with the NHS www.nhs.uk/.../