Job Description Updates: Best Practices

Hello Everyone,

I recently joined an international NGO and we are currently working on reviewing our practices in terms of updating our JDs. 

I am looking for insights on how frequently JDs are updated (considering there is no restructuring) in multinational organizations and in international NGOs.



  • I advise that job descriptions should be reviewed as part of the normal process of appraisal, at least once a year. A good job description ought to be a useful starting point for any appraisal as it should set out the key tasks and be an aide memoire to the role's purpose.

    Of course, a JD may not change every year. But when it does change, doing it as part of a review with the post holder allows you to eliminate any parts of it that are no longer relevant, and add any new tasks or features in dialogue with the post holder. Even if it doesn't change, it's a great opportunity to refresh everyone's memory of what the job is for and what it does.
  • In reply to Robey:

    Thank you Robey for your reply.
  • In reply to Robey:

    Hi Robey/Farah, sorry to piggyback on this post but just a quick question, i am planning to introduce this at the school I'm currently at, if the JD's are for the same role, so one LM has 3 EE's who have the same job title, when she does the yearly appraisals any changes made to one persons JD would have to be reflected on the other JD's or is that not necessary, I'm thinking it might depend on what the change is but not sure if there is a general principle to keep in mind?