Relocation travel incentive ideas

Please could you hit me with some ideas and inspiration on helping staff with the cost of relocation.

  • What schemes could you offer e.g. paying mileage to new office location, contribution to public transport cost to encourage sustainable travel etc?
  • How would this work in terms of it being a taxable benefit.
  • Guessing these sorts of things should not be a contractual benefit so they can be reviewed anytime? 

For info the potential new office is 8 miles from the existing office. 


  • Hi Laura,

    Not wanting to seem flippant, because I know it all depends on where you are based (travelling 8 miles in London is quite different to 8 miles out in the sticks!), but it doesn’t feel like a huge relocation mileage-wise - so does a move of this proximity really warrant incentives by the company?
  • If it does warrant incentives, paying for employees’ commute definitely would be taxable.

    You could offer subsidised rail/bus passes if you wanted to encourage more sustainable travel than driving (you could do this anyway, without the location) - a paid-for rail card is only a taxable benefit if it is used for personal travel.

    I think if you did want to offer ‘office relocation’ incentives, they should be time-limited, specifically to ease people through the change to the new location, rather than an ongoing payment that ends up becoming expected through custom and practice.