Professional network for HR in NHS

Not sure if this is the right forum, but is anyone aware of, or even better, a member of any professional network for HR Managers, Heads of HR, or HR Directors within NHS?

  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    9 May, 2024 13:52

    We did consider creating a group here - like we have for those working in education settings. Might be worth looking at again - and perhaps including social care?
  • If you're in the NHS and your Trust participates, there's the FutureNHS Collaboration Platform which I think still has an HR section. I haven't participated for quite a while as I found it rather under-used and unhelpful.
  • The network will be beneficial for me as well, the NHS is sort of special in its own way and will be great to have a network of people with similar issues and interests. If you find or create something please shareBlush
  • This is something I’m looking forward to as well
  • There is the Healthcare People Management Association (HPMA) and they have regional branches