ER case management tips and KPIs?

Hey fellow HR/ER Advisors,

I'm working on my new gig, which is very ER heavy, and I'm curious about the Excel-based analytics you use to measure ER case success?

  • For example about what kind of metric I am asking, one KPI I track is the number of open vs. closed absences and their duration. Most of my cases are long-term absences, so I track them quarterly. I also monitor whether managers follow policy and how often they ask questions that indicate a need for retraining. I do this by noting what advice I give and seeing how well it's followed, then quantifying any policy steps they miss.

Additionally, what's your go-to checklist for case preparation?

  • For example about what I am talking about, with absence cases, I ask managers questions like: When did it start? What’s the reason? What actions have been taken? Is everything documented correctly? Was OHP arranged? If answers aren't satisfactory, I follow up with "why?"
  • For myself, I consider: What are my legal obligations? What must I know and inform the employee about their rights and obligations? Are there policy steps I need to follow? Is the manager’s plan reasonable from a third-party perspective?

I'm currently updating my tracker and compiling my experiences. If there's interest, I'd be happy to share my version once it's complete to help the community.

Looking forward to your insights

Kind Regards,


  • I can see what you are trying to do but it all seems very complex.

    Not sure what comparing open -v- closed cases actually tells you. If you have 10 open but 500 closed cases, what actionable information does this provide?

    If I was monitoring absence rates, I would choose either monthly or weekly unless there is almost no different quarter to quarter. If there was no significant difference then I would be very worried.