Is L5 the end of the road for me in terms of professional qualifications?

Hello colleagues,

Last year I completed my CIPD L5 Associate Diploma in People Management. Aside from some troubles with my assessment centre, I found it okay - I didn't struggle with any of the concepts or the academic writing etc. and got a fair few high passes.

I'm considering L7, however the Entry Requirement guidance has caused me to pause, namely:

This should include making sure that learners can meet the requirements of the learning outcomes and can access the appropriate literacy and numeracy needed.

I have dyscalculia (dyslexia with numbers basically) which has been a huge struggle throughout life. I compensate for this in my working life by ensuring I carefully write out any calculations I need so I have a template for them, and to be honest, by working closely with the finance department to lean on their numeracy skills! It's certainly held me back in my career, I have never been able to apply for HR jobs that also oversee payroll, for example. 

Is L5 the end of the road for me in terms of professional qualification/development? I'm not stupid, at school I got all A's in my GCSE's, apart from maths (a C, but a struggle to get there)! And I got 3 A's at A Level (including an award for highest grade achieved in the country for one of my A Levels that year)...but this maths problem really makes me feel stupid and held back.

Looking for some advice with how people have found the numeracy aspects of L7.

Thank you!

  • Generally the appropriate level of literacy and numeracy needed to access higher level courses is equivalent to a C pass at GCSE, so I'd say you meet that criterion. It sounds like they are trying to express it as loosely as possible to ensure as many people as possible meet it. In any case, they should and can support you with adjustments to enable you to access the course (although it sounds like you have already found a number of adjustments that work well for you).

    The best thing to do is to contact the course provider and ask them, but I would be surprised if they said you weren't able to access the course, as it sounds to me like you definitely could.
  • In reply to Jacqueline:

    Thank you