Important Reminder on Academic Misconduct - (Level 5) Associate


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CIPD Staff

8 Feb, 2024 12:20

Hi everyone

We've recently been made aware that there are various individuals infiltrating student forums and unofficial CIPD study groups on social media platforms, offering their services in assessment/assignment writing.

We've also come across fraudulent CIPD assessment writing websites, claiming to be CIPD affiliated and offering to write assessments for learners, at a fee. 

Any individuals or companies found doing so, will be contacted by the CIPD legal team.

Please do not enter into conversation or business with these accounts, you are putting yourself and your CIPD qualification at risk.

Your Study Centre should provide you with a Learner Handbook at the start of your studies, with a clear section on academic misconduct (cheating and plagiarism) as well as whistleblowing and a separate Learner Contract/Agreement which outlines any terms, conditions, responsibilities and agreements you must adhere to during your studies.

Any cheating or plagiarism, in any form, is not acceptable. This of course includes paying an individual/company to help write assessments.

ChatGPT / AI Apps

Learners should not be using ChatGPT or other AI software for either research, draft or final submissions.  This is outlined in our Malpractice Policy

Page three of the Malpractice Policy refers to AI use:-

>’…passing off work of others or AI technology such as Chat GPT as their own'

>’…getting someone else or using AI technology such as Chat GPT to produce part or all of the evidence submitted for assessment’


Learners can report any signs of misconduct/cheating they see via the Whistleblowing Form.

You can also report any fraudulent websites here: QA@cipd.co.uk

All CIPD Qualification policies can be viewed here.

We're also asking for your support in spreading the word about this situation and reporting any accounts you see to the various social media platforms or group admins. 

Thank you for reading and let me know if you have any questions.

  • I found someone doing this and sent a private message to take the encouraging post down.
    Below was my message …

    Hi XXXXX,

    I recommend you remove your message about assignment help website - CIPD considers using these websites as part of the misconduct policy - all work needs to be 100% of learners work. It’s also considered as plagiarism because you are using someone else’s work.

    I deliver training for CIPD as well as a panel member of the Code of Conduct which every CIPD member (inc students who are working towards their first qual) are governed by and expected to follow.


    Elizabeth Cushion
  • Steve Bridger

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    Community Manager

    19 Jun, 2024 11:22

    In reply to Elizabeth:

    I've deleted two messages today.