Level 5 5C002 Task 2 - overall average salary...?

Hi All,

I'm struggling to understand exactly what one of the analysis questions is asking me to do. I have created analysis for all of the following:

  • Percentage of each gender by type
  • Ethnicity as a percentage by team
  • Disability percentage as an organisational whole and by teams
  • Salary difference across genders

But what do they mean by overall average salary paid by the organisation? I'm not sure exactly what I'm meant to be analysing. Is anyone able to shed some light please?



  • Hey, I presented this question using a bar graph. I done it quite detailed so I showed the average salary for female, male, non-binary and the company average using the bar graphs. I'm pretty sure it's only asking for the company average however, but yeah I calculated the average sum of each...hope this helps.
  • Hi Emma,
    Did you figure this, I passed this module so happy to share and give specific guidance on task 2.
  • In reply to Sheila :

    Hi Sheila,
    I'm currently doing this module and struggling on 2.2 and 2.3, I'd appreciate and advice and guidance you have. Thanks in advance.
  • In reply to Sheila :

    Hi Sheila, could you please be able to share guidance on task 2? Thank you
  • In reply to Oliver:

    Hi Oliver,

    Do you have a specific question for this task, this is an example of what I found in the data.

    Question: Present key findings for stakeholders from people practice activities and initiatives (AC 2.2)

    Table 1 - Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Salary Data – There is evidence in the data that there is a salary disparity between male and female in the business services team. To evidence this I generated a table to show the difference in salary across genders (which refers to question d).

    I tried to upload the table to this message, to show you what I did, but was not visible.

    You will need to undertake all the other analysis as specified in questions (a) percentage of each gender by type (b) ethnicity as a percentage per team and so on right through to (e). I generated graphs and tables for all of these as stated in the guidance. I then added a brief narrative under each table to tell them what I found, disparity, concern, issue arising. This helped set the scene and make it clearer, without brief narrative, table or graph does not tell them what was found.

    As there is a salary disparity I made the recommendation to conduct an equal pay review for the two employees.

    Question: Make justified recommendations based on evaluation of the benefits, risks and financial implications of potential solutions. (AC 2.3).

    I laid it out like this:

    Recommendation: Conduct an Equal Pay Review for two employees
    Justification and Impact: Explained why it was necessary to conduct a salary review, outlined fair pay principles and the Equality Act 2010.
    Costs: Could HR undertake the review, so no cost involved, what other costs could be involved.
    Risks: What could be the risks in just not responding to this disparity, could it affect morale, performance anything else that is key.
    Benefits/Solution: What will the organisation do to restore trust, what is the plan of action.

    • For table 1 I made two recommendations
    • For table 2 I also made two recommendations

    The word count was tricky to balance as the whole question is 1000 plus 10% so I broke it down like this:

    • Question AC 2.1 – 100 words
    • Question AC 2.3 – 285 words
    • Question AC2.3 – 700 words (four recommendations, needed to really be stringent on word count)

    This is my example of how I answered the question, always seek advice from your tutor. I passed the module but spent a long time thinking about the recommendations to make them justifiable and as real as possible.

  • In reply to Sheila :

    Thank you so much Sheila for the detailed guidance on these tasks. Happy to proceed.
  • In reply to Sheila :

    Just to observe that using ‘average salary’ can often be completely nonsensical when seeking to interpret such data. For example, take ten employees with nine getting 20k pa and the big cheese 100k pa. The average salary is in this case 28k pa but using that figure as a measure of typicality or centrality is totally distorting the real situation. Use the median and it’s just 20k and more like it.

    I have no idea of the context of this assignment but am wondering whether the ‘educators’ understand elementary statistics!