Citing references

Hello, I’m writing my first assessment for 5CO01 HR and I have a small question: How do I choose what reference / resourse to use and cite? From where do I choose what references? And from the list of resources, which one of all those options should I choose? How do I know? Thanks in advance !

  • Hello, @heba

    To choose references and resources for your HR assessment (5CO01):

    Relevance: Select sources directly related to your topic. Could you make sure they provide valuable insights and support your arguments?

    Credibility: Use reputable sources such as academic journals, books, and official reports from recognized organizations.

    Currency: Prefer recent publications to ensure the information is up-to-date with current HR practices and theories.

    Authority: Look for works by respected authors or organizations in the HR field.

    Use library databases, Google Scholar, and HR-specific publications to find relevant references. Always cross-check the credibility and relevance before citing.

    I hope this will be help you out