Tutor's feedback contradicts the Unit Guides!

Hi all,

Has anyone else experienced this? I have had three ocassions now where the Tutors giving me feedback does not align with what is written in the Unit Guide. For example, in module 5HR01, I was marked down for using dated references. Only AC 1.1 and 2.3 suggest references need to be 1-3 years old, however no requirement on any of the other AC points. I was marked down for this.

I have also had a Tutor require me to provide word count for each individual AC in the word count total. Again, not a requirement.

For the first time also, I have been asked to provide hyperlinks to all references. I provide the reference detail in Harvard reference format as required, but again, direct hyperlinks to all journal cited research stipulated in Unit Guidance.

It appears as though some Tutors are not familiar with what is written in the Unit Guides, or they are lazy and wnating students to do their work for them. The reference one has p***ed me off as if it was clear I couldn't use older references, then I wouldn't have done so. Now I'm being requested to revisit all references dated older than 2021 (which is a significant amount of my references), and re-submit more current ones, along with adding hyperlinks to all my existing references. It will be a lot of work. If this was made known up front, then I would've just done it all up front.

It does not make for a very productive, nor positive learning experience. This is through ICS Learn.

Interested to hear anyone else's thoughts...?

  • hello, thats very frustrating! im with ICS learn and currently working on my last module. you should have a link to the webpage within your references, as that is part of harvard references. eg:
    Author (date) title of article. Available at: hyperlink [accessed date]
    you shouldn't have to do a wordcount for each ac- I've only ever done it for each section or task, however it is outlined in the brief. with the age of the references i would say it depends what it is. i was told on a previous module that references should be 1 to 3 years old for anything, unless academic/institutional research. even though that might not be in the unit guide, it is general good practice and what you learn in the 'evidence based decision making' module. so you may have to redo the references but i would argue the wordcount for each ac, unless they have suddenly changed the rules. good luck and try not to be too disheartened. this course drags us all down at some point!
  • I agree with Natalie that if the resource you're referencing was found online, Harvard referencing requires you to include a webpage. If it's a book or hard copy item, you can let the tutor know that, but if you accessed it on the web then a hyperlink is ordinarily required.

    Regarding the recency of references, it depends what you're writing on but it could be that things you are referencing are just out-of-date now. The world moves quickly and if we're looking at 3 years ago...we were in lockdown. More than 3 years ago and you're reaching into time when remote working was barely heard of and no one had a clue about the pandemic! That's had a seriously significant change on many working practices, not just the location of our work. It may be that you can "pass" the module with older references, but try to remember why you're studying in the first place. If it is just to get the certificate, then just do as the tutor asks. If it is to become a better HR professional, try to see the feedback as helpful in developing your knowledge and bringing you up to speed in an environment that only changes more quickly with each passing day.
  • Rhys

    | 0 Posts

    CIPD Staff

    17 Jun, 2024 15:59

    Hi Tom, I'm really sorry to hear of this experience you've had with your centre.

    Just to check - have you raised this as a complaint with the centre itself? If so, and you feel as though the response has not been satisfactory or resolved your issues, we can look into this from our end.


    - Rhys
  • In reply to Natalie:

    Thanks, Natalie - I am over halfway through so just frustrating if I have not been submitting correctly, why it hasn't been flagged in any other assessments. Each Tutor appears to have a different interpretation of what is required
  • In reply to Sophie:

    Thanks, Sophie - dated references are for the most part citing Rights Acts, and case studies that insitgated the implementation of said Rights Acts. Agree with you on changing working practices and how times have changed post-Covid, but have to disagree that citing dated references (given the context of the referencing) should be seen as feedback that contributes toward developing a learners knowledge. I have also included more modern references in the same responses, I have some 40+ referenced articles / links within my submission, but the older ones have been singled out almost ignoring the wider context of why they have been included in the first place. It's almost as if JUST because it says references should be current, anything relevant, but that is older, is discarded as non-compliant with the guidance.

    And yes - I am resubmitting to the feedback they provide. Nothing more, nothing less!
  • In reply to Rhys:

    Hi Rhys,

    Thank you - no, I haven't complained. I don't like to complain if it is not justified, so was looking for some feedback first. And, it appears I am not entirely justified in what I've experienced and perhaps I need to revisit the guidance...