5LD01 - Learner Assessment Brief


I'm hoping somebody can shine some light, I'm finishing my 5LD01 and I'm on the final part to curate resources and have 2 questions.

1 - I'm studying through DPG and the Learner Assessment Brief on their website is:

 Learner Assessment Brief V2 

Assessment ID / CIPD_5LD01_22_01 

In this, the final 3 ACs are:


Evaluate principles underpinning the curation of learning resources for self-directed and social learning, either as part of a wider learning and development programme or as a ‘stand-alone’ resource. (900 words)


Develop guidance which encourages and supports learners to be the curators of resources for one another. (900 words)


Curate a range of accessible learning resources in relation to a specific area of learning using an appropriate platform/method to make them accessible to others. 

However, in some of the FAQs and discussions I've read, it states that the principles & guidance/guidelines (3.1 and 3.3) are in 1 question (900 word count) and 3.2 is 900 words for the justification/explanation of curated resources... I'm struggling to make this make sense. I feel like the assignment isn't difficult because of the content, but instead is difficult because of trying to decipher what's being asked.

Second Question... in curating resources for self-directed and social learning, it states you have to do 3 for each. When curating resources, how did you differentiate what is good for social learning and what is good for self-directed?

A lot of the resources I've shared often come with reflective questions or prompts to comment, so even the self-directed resources prompt a social learning aspect too?