Assignment rejected due to wordcount


I have had 5HR02 rejected due to the wordcount not being 4550 +/- 10% when the assignment brief states 3900 +/- 10%.  Has anyone else experienced this with ICS? Am I wrong?

The notification stated Stephen Littler gave the feedback, yet it was signed by Rich?

I contacted my tutor almost instantly (last night) and emailed customer services this morning.  I have resubmitted with no changes this morning as I think it is within the correct wordcount, is there anything else I can do?

I originally submitted this on 5th June and only received the feedback at 8.48pm last night, which I think is the longest I have had to wait so far.

If anyone has any other suggestions, please could you let me know as I am really worried about the approaching deadline of 30th June.
Thank you, Naomi
  • Hi Naomi

    I have had feedback/message replies with different names before too, as has my colleague so that seems to be standard. We are both with ICS.

    I had a notification re the last submission dates and it states the below so I think that means you have until the 31st July to get a pass. Hopefully it is just a admin error and you dont have to resubmit at all though! Good luck!


    Q: I am working on the current briefs, what is the last date I can submit my first attempt?
    A: The last day for submitting 1st attempts for these units is Sunday 30th June 2024. A first attempt is your first full submission. If you wish to submit a draft, you should enable time for this to be submitted and reviewed - allowing time for you to work on your full assessment prior to submission by 30th June.

    Q: If I need to resubmit, what is the last date I can submit my 2nd or 3rd attempt?
    A: The last day for submitting 2nd or 3rd attempts for these units is Wednesday 31st July 2024.
  • In reply to Stacey:

    Thanks Stacey,

    I am more worried that the first submission won't be accepted. I haven't had a response from the tutor or customer services yet!

    Fingers crossed I'll hear back in the next few days.

    Thanks again,
