Annual Assessment Brief Changes

Hi all,

I am currently studying for my L5 with DPG and I have one more unit left to complete - 5HR03: Reward for Performance & Contribution.

My support period ends at the start of October and I work full time and have an 18 month old, so I want to get started ASAP to give myself the best chance of completing the unit before the support period ends. 

Issue is, the assessment briefs are changing and I won't have access until 1st August. My tutor suggested working on the current brief and mapping my answers across once the new brief is released next month, but that seems like possibly a lot of wasted effort. Has anyone been in that situation before? And if so, did you find it easy enough to map your answers across? Did the brief change much? Was the AC the same, just slightly different worded questions? I worry the new brief will be completely different and I will end up doing way more work and still rushing to complete the unit! 

Many thanks for any help :)

  • Hi Emma

    From what I have heard the new briefs are quite different to the current ones.

    I spotted this video the other day which runs through what they say is the new 5HR03 assessment: www.youtube.com/watch

    Hope that helps.
  • In reply to Lucy:

    Thanks Lucy, that's really useful.
    I hadn't thought to check on youtube - when DPG said the briefs were going to be live on the 1st August I assumed that's when CIPD release them. I guess not as I also found this: www.youtube.com/watch
    Frustrating that the new briefs are out there but I can't start studying them as the training materials aren't yet updated. Although I assume the briefs aren't amended by the training providers so I can probably do my own research and start working on the new questions...

    Thanks again,