Word count methodology

Hi All

I have a query and confusion regarding the word count methodology. If anyone can help in regards to this. I have already qualified in 2 papers, I faced a lot of trouble while doing my 3rd paper - 5HR02. In previous 2 papers I never counted the space between the paragraph and lines and neither any problem was created. I used to count the words in word counter. While submitting this paper I faced trouble as the assessor was counting the spaces between the paragraph and lines. I was under the impression that only the words are counted not the para space. Can anyone help me here? What's the actual rule? Secondly, is low pass in any paper  is fail? And the low pass does it affects in the certification? 

Thanks in advance, 


  • I would take a word count literally but double check your guidance notes to see if there are any rules about word and spaces.
  • Hi, low pass is fine, a pass is a pass.
    We had this with Avado, they told us that even spaces between words now counted! Which ofc ended up being nonsense! Sounds like your assessor is confused but can you reach out to your provider for clarification and a remark?

  • In reply to Rosie :

    So, I did a quick experiment. Filled one page of A4 on MS Word and another page of just carriage returns. Font size 12.

    Word reports roughly 1965 spaces on page and did not recognise any of the 47 returns on the next page. Tried increasing the paragraph spacing to double but Word did not show any changes.

    Therefore, if someone is counting gaps between paragraphs, they are doing it manually!
  • In reply to Rosie :

    Thank you! For the past 10 days, I have been trying to get the answer from DPG, but still no answer has come.
  • In reply to Rosie :

    Thank you! For the past 10 days, I have been trying to get the answer from DPG, but still no answer has come.
  • Hello Gargi,
    I've completed L5 and L7 with ICS Learn and for word count I believe your study centre should make it clear what is included in the word count and what isn't. Generally the front page, contents page, headings sub headings, referencing pages, bibliography pages and appendices are not included in word count. But I would check the criteria for each module and for each summative assignment.
    I used to go through my assignments section by section and then add up the total word count. If I added any tables that gave an answer to questions I'd count them too of course.
    I never relied on the automatic word count (I used Word) as this would not give me an accurate word count.
    Who are you studying with? It should be clear if you have passed or failed the summative assignment and if you've passed you should be given either a pass mark, merit mark or distinction mark.
    As long as you have passed all units/modules, regardless of the grading achieved, you will have provisionally passed the course and should receive your certificate, following the CIPD moderation and quality checking.

    Hope this helps and good luck with your course.
    Take care, Anja
  • In reply to Steven :

    Oh they weren't, the whole thing was a panicky bit of nonsense comms!