Wellbeing at Work (ICS)

Hello, anyone here took the Wellbeing at Work for optional unit with ICS?

I know it's just a little quiz at the end of a topic and probably not a big deal as long as I manage to complete the assessment criteria, but my head just can't grasp the idea that I got 2 'That's not quite right' out of 3 questions at the 'Apply' at the end of Topic 2 (How Organisational Context Shapes Wellbeing) - which was about McKinsey's 7-S Model (Shared Values, Structure, Systems, Style, Staff, Skills, & Strategy),  it's telling me 'That's not quite right' because 'Utilising support from OC' from the choices has a check on it suggesting it should be ticked, and another one is the CIPD Wellbeing Pyramid (Culture, Leadership, People Management, Wellbeing, & Engagement), it's telling me 'That's not quite right' because 'Inclusion' from the choices has a check on it suggesting it should be ticked

Anybody experienced the same? It made me think, did I not understand the 2 area discussed on the topic.