3CO04 - TASK 2 - Interview


I submitted a draft and my tutor advised 3 things. 

1. interview needs to be redone as I am alone in it. To clarify, i was completely honest and I explained in my assignment that I am alone with no one to help me, as such, i created the questions and answers in a table. Uploaded the questions only to a text-to-speech app on my phone and had the phone ask me questions and i responded. Is this acceptable? 

2. AC title/question counts towards the wordcount. But the online advice for the module says in module 3CO04 the AC title should not be added to final wordcount

3. Need more citations. I have ACs with a response of 341 words, where i included 7 citations. How many citations are advisable per AC? 

Thank you

  • Hi Evelina, you might want ask your tutor or contact person for the module to clarify. They should know more about what's required. Best of luck in your assessment.
  • In reply to Hayfa:

    But my tutor could not answer my questions, which is why i am contacting you and trying to find out more.

  • In reply to Evelina:

    May I ask who set the questions and what module and course this is? I might be able to check with my colleagues whether this is something CIPD can deal with or would need to refer to the learning provider.

    Or you could try the number on this page. My colleagues might be able to point you in the right direction: www.cipd.org/.../

  • In reply to Hayfa:

    it`s for level 3, 3CO04. Question 1 is for task 2, questions 2 and 3 are general for the entire module 3CO04

    i called the number yesterday and I spoke to Kim who said will ask someone and get back to me. But hasn`t yet, and with my deadline being early next week i`m panicking a little.

    thank you!
  • In reply to Evelina:

    Eek, not long to go! I've contacted a colleague to ask whether this is something CIPD can deal with directly. She'll check with her colleague in assessments. Normally our advice is to contact your study centre. If your tutor can't help, try asking some else at your study centre.

    I've also sent you a private message.
  • In reply to Evelina:

    Hey, who is your provider